My Photography

Monday, April 13, 2015

Three weeks old

This morning I got my baby fix for the week! Visiting baby Noor and mama Jessica I was amazed to see at how much he has grown in the two weeks since I had seen him! He's eating well and becoming more and more charming! 

Jessica and I caught up with each other about our eventful past two weeks as I admired her precious little boy, who has quite the appetite!

Little babies have so much perfection in them. Maybe that's what we all admire so much, and why it's so easy to get lost while looking at them.

I smiled to hear how gracefully Jessica is transitioning into motherhood, and smiled even bigger when I saw her with him, so much more at ease than when I last visited. 

She had this peaceful glow about her as she talked of him and interacted with him. Motherhood is suiting her very well.

Just before I had to run off I wanted to take a few more photos of the happily-fed baby, so she urged her little boy to smile for the camera. He did so beautifully, along with some other adorable faces, with eyes only for his mama.

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