My Photography

Monday, February 3, 2014

Happiness is...

...seeing how my little baby turtle has been growing since we got her!

(I love our little modern dinosaurs.)

..finding a bit of Brazil in a Moroccan supermarket!! I literally almost cried sipping it... I'm Brazil-sick. 

...blooming flowers on the windowsill.

...keeping the window open all morning in February.

...working on my painting and practicing for choir tonight with YouTube.

...having a long conversation with a college friend I hadn't talked to since the wedding.

Since I work till 5 pm on Saturdays, Mondays are my weekend. Sometimes they get pretty lonely, since Othman is at work all day and about 30 minutes before he gets home I leave to give a private class and then I have choir till almost 10 pm. But today is a good Monday.


  1. nice to know that you're Brazil-sick and not FAMILY-SICK! :(thanks.
